Album Release on 24th October 2008 @ Viper Room  28th July 2008: Gig at "Metalpit" confirmed: 29. November 2008 @ Replugged Vienna. 12th July 2008: CD-Release Party on October 24th 2008 @ Viper Room. Special Guests: Trashcanned(Nö) + Brewed and Canned(W) 12th July 2008: Live Review of our last gig @ Escape available at 14th May 2008: We will play @ the CD-Release Party of Hollenthon on 1.June 2008. This event will take place once again at Planet Music. It will be our last gig at this location because the "Planet" will close its doors forever in the beginning of July. So take this chance to see us playing at one of our favourite locations for the last time! 21th April 2008: Next Gig-date confirmed - 1.July 2008, supporting Brutal Truth @ Escape Metalcorner. 09th April 2008: Lyrics of our soon upcoming first album now available! 13th November 2007: Date of our next Gig changed from 20th December to 21th. 28th October 2007: We will play again at Planet Music on 20th December! 14th August 2007: We will perform a gig at "Metal Zone Kaltenbach" on 29th September 2007 - Escape Metal Corner! 25th June 2007: Tears of Wrath will play at the final of the MetalBattle-Contest. The winner will perform at the W:O:A 2007(Wacken), so come and support us!!! 6.7.2007 - Viper Room(formerly Monastery) 05th June 2007: Because of personal reasons we had to cancel our gig at the MetalChamp-Bandcontest. We are very sorry about that, but we hope to see many of you at the other gigs in June(6.6.: Tesseract-Support, 14.6.: MetalBattle-Semifinal) 02th June 2007: Tears of Wrath reached the semi-final of the MetalBattle-Contest. This event will take place on 14.6.2007 again at Viper Room(formerly Monastery). 08th April 2007: Next Gig confirmed! 10.5.2007 - Viper Room - Metal Battle 2007. 24th February 2007: Next Gig confirmed! 3.3.2007 together with "Sling Shot". 16th February 2007: Another Gig confirmed! We will play support for "Claustrophobia" from Brasilia together with "Trashcanned(AT)" and "Saturus(AT)". 8th February 2007: Next Gig confirmed! We will play together with Brewtality on 9th February 2007 at Escape Metalcorner. 24th January 2007: It seems that we have found and recruited a new drummer. His name is Markus "Piri" Piribauer and we think that he will be a real improvement to our sound. To see him live the 1st time, meet us on 11th March 2007 - at ARENA - Vienna. We are also reachable via MY-Space: 28th November 2006: Another Gig has been confirmed! Local Heroes AUSTRIA 2007 at ARENA - Vienna on 11th March 2007. Details soon! We are still looking for a new drummer (from Vienna-Austria)! So if you are experienced in playing drums(especially double bass) and if you like our Music please contact us at
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! We are now also reachable via MY-Space: 08th November 2006: Our next Gig as support for CRADLE OF FILTH on 1st Dezember 2006 at Planet Music has been confirmed! Tickets are available for special price via
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and at the Band Members. 07th October 2006: Next Gig on 13th Dezember 2006 at Planet Music! We are still looking for a new drummer (from Vienna-Austria)! So if you are experienced in playing drums(especially double bass) and if you like our Music please contact us at
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! 07th September 2006: Our Demo "Armageddon Generation" from 2005 is now available for free download! We are still looking for a new drummer (from Vienna-Austria)! So if you are experienced in playing drums(especially double bass) and if you like our Music please contact us at
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! 11th June 2006: We want YOU! Our Drummer has decided to leave the Band within the next months. So if you have experience in playing drums(especially double bass) and if you like our Music please contact us at
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 16th May 2006: We are very proud to announce that Tears of Wrath will play a support gig for the Death-Metal Legend OBITUARY. This very special event will take place at Planet Music 30th June 2006. 15th February 2006: Details about our Gig with TORTURE SQUAD at Arena Vienna now available! 26th January 2006: Now we have a very special surpsise for all the people who are interrested in great Metal-Stuff. T.O.W. will play a Gig together with the Death/Thrash sensation from Brazil TORTURE SQUAD and the Metalcore Band TRASHCANNED from Vienna at the Arena(16th April 2006). 1st January 2006: Pictures from our Gig at Planet Music(ABC2005-Second Chance) added to Gallery. 23th December 2005: Pictures from our 1st Gig at Planet Music added to Gallary. 25th Oktober 2005: 2nd Chance Date fixed! 2.12.2005 18h - Planet Music. 05th September 2005: T.O.W. reached the 3rd Place @ the Austrian Band Contest and reached the second chance of the contest! The Date for this event will be released soon! 20th July 2005: Next Gig confirmed @ the Austrian Band Contest(ABC)! Tickets at the Band Members for best price available. 5th July 2005: Great News from T.O.W.: First Demo released(including four Songs)! + Another Gig has been confirmed @ the Planet Future Festival! 26th April 2005: Tears of Wrath will hit the stage again! Live @ Backstage-Cafè, Wr. Neudorf(27th May 2005). 11th April 2005: Three Picture Gallaries added, all from our Gig at 7Stern. 30th Mai 2004: A new era begins!!! First two Gigs of Tears of Wrath confirmed! One at the "Planet Music" and one at the "Siebenstern". 01st April 2004: Members-Section added. 29th March 2004: Lyrics of "Fate of Destruction" and "Willows Requiem" added. 27th March 2004: Guestbook online. 27th March 2004: 1st Picture Gallery online. 15th March 2004: Start of the Homepage.